A Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Firm
Call us: 925.683.0277
Estate planning
Private individuals, family gifting, attorneys, CPA's, and more. From date of death appraisals to general accounting needs.
We provide real estate appraisal services within the San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding regions.
Lender assignments
Sales, loan origination, refinance, and more. We have worked with dozens of lenders for a variety of property types and intended users.
We are familiar with many types of reports (71A, 1004, Word Docs, .PDF, etc.) and ensure that USPAP and FIRREA guidelines are met to guarantee quality reports.
Buy/sell decisions, asset & portfolio management, rental agreements, lease negotiations, highest & best use analysis, and more.
Our team of professionals can assist you with the decision making process for better informed results.